Steve Goodenow
For over fifty years, Steve Goodenow, a well-known private detective in Hawaii, has collected Hawaiian Stones, Artifacts and Bottles. In 1992, he opened the Honolulu Gallery and Collectible store known as Hawaiian Stones & Artifacts. In 2011, Hawaiian Stones & Artifacts opened its eBay Store and has sold artifacts and bottles to collections nationally and internationally. Purchasing major collections from estates and individuals, Hawaiian Stones & Artifacts has acquired thousands of artifacts and Hawaiian bottles over the years. Working with collectors, insurance companies, estates and the legal profession, Steve has appraised many of Hawaii's well-known collections. Steve has donated artifacts to the Bishop Museum and 'Imiloa at the University of Hawaii at Hilo.
With clients throughout the Hawaiian Islands, Steve has assembled many rare Hawaiian artifacts and bottles which are made available to the general public. Steve has assisted major hotel, schools, businesses and collectors in the assembly and display of their collections.
Hawaiian Stones & Artifacts
808 225-3508
